Funding Opportunity:
Funding Opportunity: Equitable Community-Designed Outdoor Spaces
Grant Deadlines

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This funding opportunity supports planning grants to inform the design and construction of outdoor spaces, such as playgrounds and parks across Colorado that allow children, 青年和家庭成为他们自己重新想象的体育活动空间的共同设计师,同时培养一种社区意识, agency and belonging.

Race is a central consideration for the development of healthy communities. Effective strategies that engage all youth, especially youth of color, 必须承认种族和设置障碍,影响创造终身体育锻炼的机会. 有限的娱乐空间加上安全问题限制了有色人种社区的体育活动机会. Families in rural communities also lack outdoor amenities and safe places to play. 通常,进入公共游戏空间最少的区域压力最大. 农村社区很少为代际体育活动和凝聚力提供空间.

这一资助机会优先考虑以低收入社区需求为中心的户外空间, 有色人种社区和科罗拉多州的农村社区共同追求健康公平.

这个资助机会与以前的机会不同,因为它强调社区如何参与设计户外空间的更动态的规划过程. 申请人必须进行一个规划过程,包括深入的社区参与,将社区成员聚集在一起,积极地共同设计反映社区需求的空间, history and culture, and encourages positive physical activity and psychological safety. Projects may utilize the Community Engagement Spectrum, Equity-Centered Community DesignTM*, or another relevant model to support the planning and design process. 我们邀请您与项目官员合作,为您的社区项目确定正确的流程.

Planning funds in the range of $25,000 - $50,000 can be used to support community engagement and co-design activities. Planning grants may include personnel costs, meeting space needs, stipends for community members, administrative costs, meeting materials, translation and interpretation costs, among other needs. 由基金会挑选的景观设计师将在设计过程中为社区提供技术支持, as needed. 这项技术援助的费用将由基金会与规划奖助金分开支付.

At the conclusion of planning grants and by invitation-only, 有关项目将获考虑以非经常拨款资助,以兴建可动工的项目. This funding is not guaranteed. 我们期望社区参与过程的强度和深度将产生一个有竞争力的项目,由基金会和其他资助者考虑实施资金.

Proposed projects must reflect the Foundation’s cornerstones . These outline who we serve, how our work is informed and our intent to create health equity.

Have questions? 我们在这里讨论您的想法,并鼓励您在申请资助之前与我们联系. If you are not already connected with a program officer, please reach out to us by email or phone at 303-953-3600.

Si necesita acceder la solicitud de fondos en español, por favor contáctenos a  gr[email protected].

*日博365APP下载官网中文登陆已获得许可,可以分享来自Creative Reaction Lab的这些材料.


Applicants must meet the following funding criteria:

  • 申请机构必须证明其承诺承担一个全面的规划过程,包括深入的社区参与,从而实现可持续发展 community-owned or community-driven outdoor project co-designed with the community.
  • 在高需求地区规划设计和建造户外空间,为所有年龄段的人提供服务,并为鼓励体育活动和加强社区的代际活动创造通道, agency and belonging.
  • 致力于建设鼓励身体活动的代际户外空间, socialization and strengthen community building. Projects may include age-specific segments, 同时考虑到身体和/或发育障碍者, in the design as appropriate, such as playgrounds. 如在学校场地,场地必须在非上课时间向公众开放.

将优先考虑以低收入社区需求为中心的项目, communities of color and rural communities, such that projects:

  • Based on enrollment data from the nearest school, 为有色人种和/或年轻人提供免费和减价午餐的人数是否高于平均水平(50%或更多).
  • 户外空间和/或设施是否足以服务最弱势的社区成员
  • 满足在经过验证的农村社区中心五英里范围内的户外空间更换现有不安全或过时设备的需要, public location or space.

Measurable Reach:


We often partner with third-party evaluators, 承包商和其他组织在我们与申请人和受资助者的工作过程中. 在审查过程和拨款周期中,您的申请及其附件可能会与这些个人或实体共享. 所有与基金会合作的第三方组织都签署了保密协议,不会将这些信息用于资助申请或资助奖励特定工作范围之外的目的. If you have any concerns or would like additional information, please email [email protected] or call our senior director of Grantmaking Operations at 303-953-3600.

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